Press Release and Media Kit
Engaging Book Boosts “Staying Power,” Sharing the Secrets of Aging at Home and Helping Worried Boomers Keep Parents Safe
Staying Power: Age-Proof Your Home for Comfort, Safety and Style is a friend to older adults and caregivers alike, helping them curb home hazards and hike comfort
Guelph, Ontario — Baby Boomers who grew up on rock ‘n’ roll are starting to sing a new song: Gimme Shelter with Grab Bars. That’s because they want to age at home. So do their parents, who are in their 70s, 80s, even 90s. But homes built for the young raise their risk of falls, which may (statistics show) land them in nursing homes, never to return, and their grown children are sick with worry. With 10,000 Americans turning 65 every day, we can deny the situation, or we can act to make our homes more safe, comfortable and supportive throughout the life span.
Where to begin? With a timely, lively book called Staying Power: Age-Proof Your Home for Comfort, Safety and Style. Called “sensible, useful, comprehensive and engagingly written” by Paula Span of The New York Times’ New Old Age blog, this well-organized handbook helps readers prevent painful, costly and potentially life-changing problems. A practical, problem-solving guide, Staying Power: Age-Proof Your Home for Comfort, Safety and Style is the first to combine the latest insights into aging with expert-approved age-proofing advice.
Designed to empower aging adults to make their homes more livable, by themselves or with help from friends, family members and professionals, Staying Power is available in print and e-book formats. Written by Rachel Adelson, M.A., an award-winning author with extensive knowledge of aging and health concerns… Click below to read the entire press release and download the full media kit.
- Press release
- Author bio
- Q&A with the Author
- Fact Sheet: The Big Numbers Behind ‘Aging at Home’
- Fact Sheet: Surprising Budget Tips for Aging in Place
Book News and Reviews
New York Times writer praises Staying Power
“You’ll find it sensible, useful, comprehensive and engagingly written,” said Paula Span of The New York Times blog The New Old Age. Span, a respected journalist known for groundbreaking coverage of modern aging and caregiving, is also the author of When the Time Comes: Families with Aging Parents Share Their Struggles and Solutions.
Huff/Post 50 invites Rachel Adelson to write about Aging at Home
Author Rachel Adelson was among the Huffington Post’s “HuffPost/50” online columnists on all things aging and Baby Boomer. Rachel wrote about the personal side of aging in place, interviewed experts in the field, and went into greater depth on special topics. You can find all her blog posts linked under her bio here. posts interview with author Rachel Adelson
Elder-care expert Michelle Seitzer interviewed Rachel Adelson for her blog on the popular senior-housing website They discussed tension-reducing ways for family members to talk about housing options, the safety edge that comes from getting a good “person-environment fit,” and more.
Thumbs-up for Staying Power from boomer blog “Sightings Over Sixty”
Popular ‘Baby Boomer’ blogger Tom Sightings gave a thumbs-up to Staying Power: Age-Proof Your Home for Comfort, Safety and Style. Tom related how he learned the hard way (ouch!) about the need for grab bars in the bathroom. You can read his post here.
The sAge Companion Quarterly features lengthy author Q&A in summer issue
The online newsletter for a “New Vision of Aging” featured a conversation with Rachel Adelson about staying vital, being creative, choosing to age at home, and never apologizing for one’s age. Plus, how many times does an author get to pose with an orange safety cone? You can read the interview here.
Ontario Health Care Agency Reviews Staying Power
The Canadian province of Ontario has a network of agencies that send health-care into the home and help people connect with long-term care. A 2013 issue of the Health Advisor Newsletter of the Community Care Access Center of the Halton-Mississauga region west of Toronto featured Staying Power: Age-Proof Your Home for Comfort, Safety and Style and its Toronto-area author.
Hook ’em Horns! Univ. of Texas Reviewed Staying Power for Alumni
Everything’s bigger in Texas…and the alumni association of the University of Texas with its 450,000 members worldwide is no exception. The alumni magazine, Alcalde, reviewed Staying Power: Age-Proof Your Home for Comfort, Safety and Style in its July/August issue. You can find it after Cowboy Stuntman and other titles here. It’s fun to be a Texas Ex!
NextAvenue: Rachel Covers a TimeBank That May Aid Aging at Home
Early 2015 found the author reporting on a fascinating program applying Silicon Valley smarts to help curb the problem of senior loneliness. Learn more about a special kind of TimeBank here.
Westchester Magazine Quotes Rachel on Aging at Home
Do we hear an echo? The magazine for reader’s in New York’s Westchester County (north of New York City) ran an article in 2015 called “Aging In Westchester, Safely, Comfortably—And In Style.” Sounds like the book’s subtitle, but it is taken as a compliment.
Best You Magazine Interview to Come!
Journalist Karen Bannon interviewed Rachel Adelson in 2015 for an upcoming issue of Best You magazine.
Britain’s BBC Quotes Rachel on Aging at Home
“No retirement home for me, thanks!” features Rachel and other experts giving insight and practical advice about aging at home. This practical trend has allies on both sides of the Pond.
Former NASA Scientist Likes Staying Power
Medical researcher Dr. Joan Vernikos was Director of Life Sciences for NASA and, as an author and speaker on healthy aging, is passionately committed to the health value of simple everyday movement — defying gravity, you might say. The author of “Sitting Kills, Moving Heals” described Staying Power as an “invaluable, well-researched, well-organized, well-written resource for both people getting older and those concerned about their care, health and safety. I applaud its focus on movement as a key to independent aging.”
Houston Neurologist Praises New Handbook
Neurologists spend a lot of time trying to help stroke patients get re-settled at home. Nancy Robinson, M.D., of Houston, Texas said, “Staying Power is a very helpful, thorough guide to aging at home. It’s particularly good for patients coming home from the hospital or rehab feeling overwhelmed and lost. This easy-to-follow handbook can support their readjustment.”